Coming soon

The phone is ringing. Your ice cream is melting. Next month’s rent is due. There’s a useful workshop coming up in a few months. Your hard drive will fail before the end of the year. College tuition will need to start being paid in five years. Your back tooth is going to need a crown in 2030. New York City is going to be underwater in 2050.

When is soon?

Every one of these things is something we can choose to pay attention to right now. Each one is either urgent or important, it’s up to us. Paying attention to something when the problem is still small makes it far less of an issue later.

The ringer on a phone was designed to establish urgency. And social media has optimized for that itch as well.

But it’s not up to them.

[For your calendars, two updates:

I’ll be doing a live event with Chip Conley, bestselling author, impresario and big thinker (and my first co-author, from 1986!) in a live chat (with QA) about jobs, learning, wisdom and making a ruckus. Today! Just hours from now.

All the details are at this LinkedIn post.

In addition, I’ll be joining the other Akimbo teachers for an online free-for-all and jamboree on Tuesday, January 11th. Hosted by Ramon Ray, I’m looking forward to joining my friends online. I hope you can come. It’s free and you can sign up for it here.

Hope to see you there.]