Who knew I could be wrong in so many ways

I got a lot of feedback from my post about reorganizing for profit. It broke down into several groups:

  1. non-retailers explaining why it would be impossible logistically to do this
  2. retailers explaining that making it hard to find related items actually helps them, because as you search around the store, it increases the chances you’ll find something you didn’t remember you were looking for
  3. high-end believers who insist that the salesperson will find what I want for me
  4. fashion hounds who insist that they buy the wrong size just to get a great label

     5. retailers who have actually done this and regularly report increases in sales of 30%.
(I heard from people who sell high end clothes, hardware and bikes).

Of course this won’t work for everyone. (Of course label-centric sport shopping is here to stay). And of course it’s doable (hey, you separate the men from the women from the kids already).

The most fascinating takeaway for me is this: many retailers believe that they still have the power to inconvenience shoppers as a way of increasing revenue. "Too many stores in that mall," in my opinion, for me to stay with you if it’s easier and more fun to go over there instead.

Test it first. If it doesn’t work, let me know.